After these 3 weeks that I was so busy finding first a room and than a job, during the last few days I was a little bit bored. Considering that Monday was holiday here in London it went even worst because all the shops were closed!
So nowhere interesting to go, no people to go out and have a drink. You start thinking: I need to make some new friends! So I googled around and found a website, This website is full of people with my same problem: big city, lot of things and places to go but no one to go with. So I registered and the day after I went to my first city socialising event. I've been in the past to something similar so I found myself quite comfortable. Instead most of the other people were some kind worried at least in the first couple of minutes. But after that couple of minutes everybody start talking with each other without any limitation or problem even the most shy ones. I tried to speak with everybody even if some people formed closed groups where it was difficult to enter the conversation if not jumping in the middle of the group screaming: "please talk to me!!!". In the end I can say I found two or three people that really interested me. Is something that you don't actually decide: is just something that happens or not.
Anyway you meet these people and than what? This is a good question! Hope to find an answer and post it here soon!
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